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 Digital Marketology
Serving Tulsa and Surrounding Areas

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Digital Marketology

Creating Great Content for Social Media

Creating Great Content for Social Media

Managing a social media channel is somewhat like creating a magazine or running your own TV network.  Each channel, you can produce a series of unique content. You can syndicate your content to other channels (e.g. cross-posting from Snapchat to Instagram). You can...

Conversion Metrics That Need To Be Tracked

Conversion Metrics That Need To Be Tracked

Without proper analytics and tracking, you are not able to know if your marketing or advertising campaigns are successful. This analytics is then used to tweak and improve your campaigns going forward.  Too often, marketers are overly focused on improving their...

Get Results from Your Facebook Page

Get Results from Your Facebook Page

Facebook has changed, now is the time to see if your strategy is really bringing in the results you want.  A few years back, building a community of loyal Facebook followers was a relatively simple: launch a page, regularly post compelling content, answer questions,...