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 Digital Marketology
Serving Tulsa and Surrounding Areas

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Digital Marketology

Reasons to Outsource Your Social Media Marketing

Reasons to Outsource Your Social Media Marketing

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and now Snapchat!  Each month a new social media platform is born and the landscape changes yet again. Most business owners see a benefit in having an active social media strategy. However, implementing that strategy...

Brand Marketing Tips for Business

Brand Marketing Tips for Business

Long gone is the time when a company could rely only on the quality of their product for success. Big companies are not going anywhere and start-ups are emerging at an unbelievable rate. Today, brand marketing is a key aspect of running a business, you should place...

Facebook Advertising Frequency and Conversion

Facebook Advertising Frequency and Conversion

When an Ad is seen too often it can suffer from banner blindness and ad fatigue.  There are a few tricks to get around this.  Simply insert a new background image, change up the color scheme or even reverse the text and you have practically created brand new ad copy....