Social Media
Tulsa Digital Marketology Latest News and Blog
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Creating Great Content for Social Media
Managing a social media channel is somewhat like creating a magazine or running your own TV network. Each channel, you can produce a series of unique content. You can syndicate your content to other channels (e.g. cross-posting from Snapchat to Instagram). You can...
Get Results from Your Facebook Page
Facebook has changed, now is the time to see if your strategy is really bringing in the results you want. A few years back, building a community of loyal Facebook followers was a relatively simple: launch a page, regularly post compelling content, answer questions,...
New Instagram Features for your Business
Instagram has recently released new features that can be used to promote and enhance your business online. In June of 2018, it was reported that Instagram had over 1 billion monthly active Instagram users, and almost 25 million business profiles on Instagram. The...
Why Your SEO Strategy Needs Social Media
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is always evolving. Businesses are always looking for new ways to rank organically on the top of search engines. It has gone from abstract experimental concepts to a near concrete science. There were rules and the desired keyword...
Best Strategies for Social Media Optimization
Social media is an essential part of your overall online branding and marketing as it is a popular media to syndicate your message. Your message has the potential to be seen by many users if properly developed. Facebook alone has over one billion users and should...
Reasons to Outsource Your Social Media Marketing
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest and now Snapchat! Each month a new social media platform is born and the landscape changes yet again. Most business owners see a benefit in having an active social media strategy. However, implementing that strategy...
Facebook Advertising Frequency and Conversion
When an Ad is seen too often it can suffer from banner blindness and ad fatigue. There are a few tricks to get around this. Simply insert a new background image, change up the color scheme or even reverse the text and you have practically created brand new ad copy....